The Importance & Method Of
Teaching Children Morality
From 'Role Of Morality'(12/2/2007)

How A Civilisation Keeps Itself Alive
Civilisation is a shared understanding, and the only way a civilisation can maintain this understanding from generation to generation is by that understanding being passed from parent to child, which is how a civilisation keeps itself alive.

Importance Of Early Infantile Experience
The nature of an understanding depends upon its founding values, which makes morality (the actual values adopted) the vital concern for parents, with the early experiences of infancy the most critical for the formation of understanding in a child. This means that the lessons taught to the infant during the first weeks or months of its existence are the most important, as every subsequent value must reflect those values already adopted by the maturing mind of the person. For once the foundation of values is set, it is for life, with the values taught during child rearing becoming a permanent part of the adult's understanding. (See What Decides A Person To Be Moral Or Immoral)

Morality Must Be Imbued By Fear Of Authority
As reason can only be employed when morality is established, teaching children morality must be by the clear demonstration of right from wrong by the unquestioned implementation of parental discipline: the swift punishment of naughty children—a correction that must be feared to be effective.

Unquestioning Obedience Of Authority An Essential Lesson
Even after the age of seven years of age, when the child can reason, instruction must be continued without explanation, as unquestioning obedience to authority is one of the requirements of a dutiful citizen.

Continuation Of Tradition
The basic values and knowledge that are the foundation of Tradition — those beliefs that are implicit in the customs, manners, language, and laws of the community — must be taught in the same unexplained way; not just to reinforce the notion of the need for unquestioning obedience, but also because these beliefs are an essential part of communal understanding and so must be adopted by all citizens. Observe, these beliefs were created by the genius of communal understanding, which is superior to each citizen's comprehension, so disqualifying any individual from being able to properly judge the reasons behind such beliefs. Hence it is not just the child's duty to adopt these beliefs without question, but it is the parent's duty to impose them without explanation.

Consequences Of Failure
If parents fail to teach their offspring the basic morality and knowledge that are the foundation of the tradition of the community, then the resulting adult will fail to become a useful citizen, but will become a problem citizen — an individual with an understanding different and incompatible to the shared understanding that is the community. Once such problem citizens become sufficient in numbers then the community must decay until it finally dissolves.(See the law of reverse civilisation).